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    Hello!. My name is Onder Adem. I've been doing photography for many years. I also have 20 years of graphic design, Photoshop and Lightroom photo editing experience. I’ve been providing professional service, wedding, engagement, special days, family photography, real estate and product photography. in and around the D.C., MD, and VA region.


    I love to fully collaborate with my clients and I consider myself pretty easy-going. My style is pretty rounded... it's traditional, artistic, and documentary. You get the best from all worlds with me. I also make things simple and fun and you will enjoy your wedding day with me. I must say that whether you're camera shy or not, I promise you will get amazing photos. I know how special your wedding day is for you, and I want to capture all the emotion while documenting your event as a storyteller. Make sure to check out my portfolio.

    Let Me Shine You Up :)

    © 2020 by Onder Adem.

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